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Monday, April 21, 2014

Atticus Finch...React

What is the most compelling or memorable thing that Atticus said in his closing statement to the jury? Explain what he means by what he says...


  1. In the story to kill a mokingbird I think that the most compelling or memorable thing that Atticus said in his closing statement to the jury is one more thing gentlemen before I quit Thomas Jefferson once said that all men are created equal a phrase that the Yankees and the distaff side of the executive branch in Washington are found of hurling at us there is a tendency in this year of grace 1935 for certain people to use this phrase out of context to satisfy all conditions.because what he means when he says this he must be saying that since the United States decided that all men is created equal it is always used out of context to try and cover up any conditions necessary like in this case Mayella accusing Tom Robinson of raping her to cover up the fact that her farther was the one who did it.

    1. I agree with the quote that you picked because it shows that Atticus dose not feel that all man should be treated different, that they should all be treated the same.

    2. I liked how you used text to world connections for your evidence. Good job

    3. I believe your understanding on the quote but i believe atticus is trying to attack the racism side of the world and how everybody should be equal

  2. In chapter 20 when Atticus says "I say guilt, gentlemen, because it was guilt that motivated her. She has committed no crime, she has merely broken a rigid and time honored code of our society, a code so severe that whoever breaks it is hounded from out midst as unfit to live with." I find this quote very interesting because after the trial atticus is still trying to attack his thought of how Mayella Ewell knows that her father raped her. I believe that is why Atticus says she commited no crime but she is still guilty. When it was said that she had broken a rigid and time honored code of out society he is saying that she went against how most whites are racist and how she would be harassed if she admitted to how Mayella was tolerant in such a racist setting. I think Atticus's closing argument was both to shame Mayella and show how he believes in justice.

    1. I like it Calvon by reading your quote I never knew that Atticus was still thinking about that trial good job.

    2. Kalvon, what made you pick this quote to represent your answer ?

    3. I chose the quote because i found it interesting and i felt that a lot could be interpreted from this part of the closing argument.

  3. To begin with this case should never have come to trail. This case is as simple as black and white. This means that Atticus does not think the case should have not come this far as which it just could have been resolved by finding out if Tom did that to Mayella or no. What he mean by its just "simple as black and white" is that it should not be a racist thing it's just if he did it or if Mayella was just putting it on him just because he was a Black man. That Mayella just thought that he was a Black man who does not have anything that was going on in his life.

    1. Taniya you picked a very good quote to talk about I totally agree on your response

    2. I agree with your analyzation of the "simple as black and white" part of the quote.

  4. The most compelling or memorable thing that Atticus said in his closing statement to the jury is "I have nothing but pity in my heart for the chief witness for the state, but my pity does not extend so far as to her putting a man's life at stake, which she has done in an effort to get rid of her own guilt." When Atticus stated this quote as said that he has nothing but pity in his heart means he's sorrow and in compassion caused by the ignorance and racial. Also Atticus was referring that Mayella should feel guilty for putting a innocent man at risk, because of her regrets that her father has done to her, and to take it out on Tom Robinson ( A Black Man ) .

    1. I do feel that Atticus is really serious about what he is saying in this quote because Mayella should not lie about what has happened to her by some one that has not done anything. She should be real about what happened to her that night.

    2. I agree very strongly about this quote because I also feel that Mayella should feel very sorry for blaming one man for something that her farther did.

  5. The most compelling thing that Atticus said in his closing statement was "That institution gentlemen is a court. Our courts have their faults as does any human institution, but in this country our courts are the great levelers, and in our counts all men are created equal." This quote really strikes me because it shows that in a courtroom, it doesn't matter who you are or where you came from. Justice shall be served. When Atticus says, "our courts are the great levelers" it tells me that while in the courtroom anyone can have a fair trial. Although life's unfair, fairness is the main concern in a courtroom just as the 6th amendment says "Rights of accused in criminal cases." Atticus is trying to point out that Tom Robinson deserves a fair and just trial. The jury should look past Tom's skin color and think about his right as a human being in a court because that is their duty as the jury in Maycomb.

    1. I agree with this quote Jessica very good to my liking on what you said.

    2. I agree Jessica people should not matter who you are it should just be that if something is the truth or life it's not. No one should be judged by what their color of racist is or how much someone feels about them it's just what's right and what's wrong.

  6. There are a lots of things Atticus Finch said in his closing statement that I thought was really powerful and he said a lot about if it is true or not that everyone was created equally. In the text it states "The most ridiculous example I can think of is that people who run public education promote stupid and idle along with industrious- because all men are created equal, educators will gravely tell you, the children left behind suffer terrible feelings of inferiority. We know all men are not created equal in the sense some people would have us believe-some people are smarter than others, some people have more opportunity because they are born with it, some men make more money than others, some ladies make better cakes than others, some people are born gifted beyond the normal scope of most men" (pg.274). This quote basically means that we all take apart in our community, so there is going to be people that cook better or cleans better, but that is just whats makes us different from each other, and if every knew how to do the same thing how would we get our other needs, and wants in life. This quote was the very powerful and convincing because he was trying to get to the fact on how Mayella Ewell and Tom Robinson are not equal... they are supposed to be equal but their not and i feel as if Atticus got to his point on how he knew that it wasn't going to be now fair chance of Tom Robonson winning the case because he knows that Tom Robinson was less than Mayella Ewell. They weren't equal just because he was black and she was white, not because she fixed things better than hem because he would fix stuff for her, it was just the case of the jury being racist.

    1. I disagree with you when you said the jury was being racist. I believe that atticus would have actually wont he case until tom said he felt sorry for her.

    2. Trinity disagree when you says the jury is racist as we'll because I feel that he was not its just that Mayella made him as well as the court feel sorry for her even Dow she was not telling the truth about what really happened that night.

    3. I agree with Trinity. I understand what she's saying by the jury being racist. The jury is racist because even with the lack or corroborative evidence Tom Robinson is convicted of raping Mayella. The jury didn't think about their job or duty as the jury.

    4. Thanks Jessica, and to add no to what she was saying, the only charged Tom Robinson as a guilty man because eh was balcón and everyone in the courtroom at that time knows that.

  7. I say guilty, gentlemen, because it was guilt that motivated her. She has committed no crime, she has merely broken a rigid and time honored code of our society, a code so severe that whoever breaks it is hounded from our midst as unfit to live with. I can say this statement means mayella as broke a code in which she is trying to frame a Blackman for something he didn't do. And if the jury goes with this testimony from her he could be in a lot of trouble if he pleads guilty. I think this is a very strong statement used by Atticus. I could tell it took lots of courage and will to make a statement let alone the whole speech to make a statement so strong and good.

    1. Didn't write what was compelling but good statement

    2. Jeffrey you used the same quote as kalvon but I also still like it because you also made me see that Atticus was still thinking about the trial even though it was over.

    3. I disagree with you when you say breaking a code was to frame a black man. I believe breaking a code is how she was being tolerant when she was supposed to be racist at this time.

    4. Jeffery I get what you are trying to say but I feel you and kalvon should look at each other post and tell about the quote really mean.

  8. The most compelling of memorable thing that Atticus said in his closing statement to the jury is "Which gentlemen we know is in itself a lie as black as Tom Robinson's skin, a lie I do not have to point out to you. You know the truth, and the truth is this some Negros lie, some Negros are immoral, some Negros men are not to be trusted around women black or white." Pg (273) Knowing this not only the black man lie it can be the white men to that lie. By reading this quote I feel that this is racist because all people lie no matter if they is black or white. They stated that most Negro's lie but Negro's might lie but it's not only them who lie cause I guarantee if something go down in you ask a white male something and it's something serious like a case as Tom Robinson and Mayella they wouldn't tell the exact truth they would lie as well. It shouldn't matter is you black or white everybody I know lie and most people don't tell the truth all the time. Most Negro's can be trusted around white women they don't always have to harm a white women so you just cannot put a blame on a black male. That's just like saying you cannot trust a white male around black women. It's all the same you cannot just say what black male do and it's white male also

    1. Nedra you have a real good quote I do feel that whites can lie just as well as black. Just as well that even Dow Mayella is not a man she is white and she lied on Tom about what happened to her.

  9. What I feel is the most compelling thing Atticus said was "We know all men are not created equal in the sense some people would have us believe some people are smarter than others, some people have more opportunity because they're born with it, some men make more money than others, some ladies make better cakes than others, some people are born gifted beyond the normal scope of most men" (p.g 274). What I feel this mean is that even though they claim that all man are equal there are really not, some people are gifted at different things and some people don't come out very smart. Also I feel that he is saying that because if men were all equal they wouldn't be treating Tom Robinson like that just because of his color.

    1. I agree with your statement Daisha . So now that you feel that the quote is telling us that people are different in their own ways, how is Tom Robinson different in his own ways other than he's black?

    2. I really think this quote is great because I used the same quote so this is a very good one you picked also the explanation was great.

    3. Daisha, your post made me think a little more about my response when you said that Atticus is trying to say that all men really aren't created equally. Tom is a negro so his chances of winning are not likely. Although, Atticus main reason for making that statement or point is to convince the jury that in the courtroom men are created equally.

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  11. Kenneth Ford

    What he means about "this case is as simple as black and white is that he was saying all blacks and white is equal even doe some people doesn't have the same opportunities like others and in the trial it can go wrong or bad. Life is not right for others and even doe they accused Tom Robinson for something he didn't do, they is being racist against blacks and Atticus want Tom to at least have a fair trial. The way Tom explains himself about what happened the day they claimed he raped Mayella, they should attempt to listen to his explanation and not try to put him down by the way if his skin color. The jury shouldn't feel sad for Mayella when she bust out in tears faking and trying to make the audience feel sorry for her.

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    2. I agree Kenneth with what you is saying because Maycomb is a very racist town so I can see why Tom is innocent but they don't want to admit it because of his skin color.

  12. Gentlemen he was saying I shall be brief but I would like to use my remaining time with you to remind you that this case is not a difficult one it requires no minute sifting of complicated facts but it does require you to be sure beyond all reasonable doubt as to the guilt of the defendant. To begin with this case should never have come to trial. This case is as simple as black and white. What Atticus means is that they should think thoroughly about this case because this a white vs black case and he thinks that they should hear Tom Robinson out because he is not guilty. Also, he is saying that it is clear that Mayella came onto Tom. He is also saying that Mayella and Bob Ewells testimony don't make sense and that there is more evidence that Mr. Ewell could have raped and beat Mayella instead of Tom. For example on pg 273 ,'', and Tom Robinson now sits before you, having taken the oath with the only good hand he possesses his right hand.'' If Mayella's face was beaten on her right side then how could Tom have possibly beaten her when his left hand is injured? On pg 237 it states, '' You're left handed, Mr. Ewell,'' said Judge Taylor. Mr. Ewell turned angrily to the judge and said he didnt see what was being left handed had to do with it, that he was a Christ fearing man and Atticus Finch was taking advantage of him. Mr. Ewell is known to be a man who drinks whiskey all the time? I think that it was possible that Mr. Ewell could have beat Mayella in a drunk rage. Basically, Atticus is trying to explain how this is case is one sided and unfair.

    1. We know all men are not created equal in the sense some people would have us believe some people are smarter than others,some people have more opportunity because their born with it,some men make more money than others,some ladies make better cakes than others,some people are born gifted beyond the normal scope of most men

      When Atticus was saying the quote above he was trying to prove the point that we all know that Tom is not equal to most of the people because of his skin color. But he wants the jury to look past the fact of him not being equal because nobody is equal. Everybody has something unique about them that the next person might not have or be able to do. The fact is that Tom wasn't born with any rights or opportunity because he is a negro. Atticus knows that the jury is not looking past the fact that Tom is a negro, so if the statistics are that negro men rape women or negro men do bad things instantly the jury feels that because he is a negro that he had to rape Mayella no question about it. Even if they had all the evidence in the world or 100 reasons why he didn't rape her he still would have been convicted because of the simple fact that he was Negro. So Atticus was putting this quote out there to push their thinking past what he is but for them to see the evidence of why he didn't rape Mayella.

    2. Me and you have used the same quote so we must have the same kind of thinking which is very good towards what we believe.

  13. The quote I find interesting was in Chapter 20 it says"She was white,and she tempted a Negro. She did something that in our society is unspeakable, she kissed a black man. Not a old uncle,but a strong young Negro man. No code mattered to her before she broke it,but it came crashing down on her afterwords.". I think This was a good quote because it shows how she broke the Maycomb laws by trying to hit on a black Negro that is nothing else to say about that.


  14. "I have nothing but pity in my heart for the chief witness for the state, but my pity does not extend so far as to her putting a man's life at stake,witch she has done in an effort to get rid of her own guilt." Page (271).
    I think this quote means that Atticus didn't feel anything good about the chief witness because Atticus knew that they were lying about what really had happened with Tom and mayella and he just wanted them to tell the truth.i also think think that this quote means that even though he had pity in his heart he wasn't going to let that stop him from trying to prove that mayella and her father were lying and that Tom Robinson was telling the truth.

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